The Community Path


4 Layers of “Trauma Dumping”
Trauma dumping—we've heard of it, maybe we've even said it. We commonly hear about how trauma dumping is harmful, but in reality, the label of trauma dumping itself can be just as harmful. So what is trauma dumping exactly? Trauma dumping is generally seen as the act of someone talking about their lived traumatic experiences […]
6 Reasons Boundaries Can Be Useful In Your Life
Boundaries Maybe you’ve seen social media posts about them, you've heard about them on a podcast, or you can’t exactly pinpoint where you first heard them but wonder nevertheless,"What does “boundaries” even mean?" I had the hardest time understanding the concept of boundaries and an even harder time trying to figure out how to implement […]
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
At GDC, we’ve been Demystifying Therapy all spring. In March, we talked about the process of getting into therapy as well as self + community care, and in April we demystified some of the more common treatment modalities therapists use with clients. Mental health awareness is often about breaking down stigmas and barriers to care. […]
Demystifying Treatment Modalities
At GDC, we’re using our blog and social channels to #DemystifyTherapy. We want to break down the questions and stigmas held about seeking help, and clear up common misconceptions around the therapeutic process. This month, we want to pull back the curtain a little bit as we share different modalities and approaches you might encounter […]
Woman on phone, stressed
News Overload & Mental Health
In today’s society, there are many changes going on all around us. Whether we turn on the news, glance at our phones when we first wake up, or find ourselves watching something profound someone has been caught doing on a video has everything to do with some of the stress we may all be feeling […]
Spotlight on: Black Historical Figures
For Black History month, we are spotlighting Black historical figures who acted as activists and trailblazers. While we don’t know everything about their personal lives and struggles, we can see coping skills and resilience in their accomplishments, especially in the face of racism and discrimination. Here are four individuals who do not always get to […]
Spotlight On: Black Mental Health Advocates
To celebrate Black History Month, GDC is spotlighting Black public figures who advocate for mental health care access and awareness. Here are four Black public figures who have used their platforms to speak up about the importance of mental health in their chosen careers
Finding Peace in the Things I Can Control
Have you ever heard of the Serenity Prayer? It goes something like this: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” The prayer is profound as it recognizes the reality that our lives are affected by factors that are beyond our control, and it reminds us that our responses to these variables impact our mental health.
oprah winfrey
Their Personal Stories: Commemorating the Character and Courage of Black Heroes-Part II
By Chase Breimeier In the first part of this two-part blog series for Black History Month, we explored the personal lives and mental health challenges of two historical Black activists—Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Maya Angelou—in order to highlight their character, courage, and honor them beyond their accomplishments. As the second part of this […]
black people in a group
Black Pride & Self-Esteem
How do people who have been made to feel that they must defend the value of their lives to others truly feel about themselves? I would expect that living under these circumstances would have some kind of impact on self-esteem. Wouldn’t you?
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